Hotel about:berlin

autor: Hidden Fortress - Björn Meier, Jan Maley
místo: Berlín, Německo
realizace: 2019
foto: Sebastian Dörken
Interiérové prostory berlínského hotelu firmy Immobilen-Braun Gmbh & Co jsou promyšlené do posledního detailu. Cílí na mladé návštěvníky Berlína, kteří ocení příjemnou atmosféru, vzdušný prostor a moderní design. Nábytek na míru z dílny naší společnosti Profil Nábytek do celkového konceptu dokonale zapadá.
,,As the renovation of the about:berlin Hotel has come to an end, I want to take the opportunity to thank you for your exceptional work. We are very pleased with the installed products in the Hotel and as far as we can tell from our reviews, guests are very happy as well. It´s been always a highly professional and friendly communication with Jaroslav Jirák. This project wouldn´t be the same without Jaroslavs contribution. Your guys on-site were always reliable and proved their great skills – special mentions to Radek and Lukáš. I will strongly recommend PROFIL NÁBYTEK to anyone looking for your kind of craftsmanship and we will certainly consider working with you for any future project.''
Hannes Rackow, Business Development Manager (about:berlin Hotel)
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